// Global variables float radius = 50.0; int X, Y; int nX, nY; int delay = 16; // Setup the Processing Canvas void setup(){ size( 400, 400 ); strokeWeight( 10 ); frameRate( 15 ); X = width / 2; Y = height / 2; nX = X; nY = Y; } // Main draw loop void draw(){ radius = radius + sin( frameCount / 4 ); // Track circle to new destination X+=(nX-X)/delay; Y+=(nY-Y)/delay; // Fill canvas grey background( 100 ); // Set fill-color to blue fill( 0, 121, 184 ); // Set stroke-color white stroke(255); // Draw circle ellipse( X, Y, radius, radius ); } // Set circle's next destination void mouseMoved(){ nX = mouseX; nY = mouseY; } void resizeSketch(int w, int h) { if (w < 400) { size(w, floor(float(w)/400*200) - 30); } else size(400, 200 - 30); }